NETS Refresh

This morning ISTE "officially" released the new, refreshed NETS standards. As Don Knezek, ISTE CEO suggested, these standards are new guides as we teach students to learn, not just learn to use technology tools. For those of you who have not seen the order and titles of the standards here they are:

  • Creativity & Innovation

  • Communication & Collaboration

  • Research & Information Fluency

  • Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, & Decision Making

  • Digital Citizenship

  • Technology Operations & Concepts

  • So for the meeting has been a big thank you sectional for those involved with completing the new refresh.

    The challenge for Lutheran Schools in the future will be adapting these new standards to help provide leadership for technology and learning development in our schools.

    Don't forget to chant, sing, memorize and recite the technology education montra:
    "It's not about the technology, it's about the Learning!"

    As we put together beginning of the year in-service and sectionals for professional development, may that be our goal as we facilitate professional development and have conversations with our colleagues!

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