Too Many Unfinished Blogs

I've often been accused of having ADHD! Almost positive that if I was 12 yrs. old that I would have been referred, tested, and phsycho-analyzed by now. I think fast, talk fast, and want everyone to know all of thoughts, all the time!

That being said, I have about a dozen blogs that are started in draft form, but haven't been published. That word "published" is my sticky-wicket. Publishing to me means I have ALL my thoughts down, in order, spelling checked, grammar checked, and re-read four times for coherency. Suffice it to say, those dozen blogs are not ready for "publishing." Would it be OK to publish them anyway? Would the posts lose their intended purpose if they aren't polished? Is there a place in this world for unpolished writing? Is a blog that place? Just thinking out loud!

I would prefer to podcast because those who know me, know that I like to talk :-)

Anyway, my summer ends tomorrow. We have faculty meetings starting at 8:00am. Most of the summer I've forced myself to get up by 6:00am so there isn't so much a shock to the "system" once the school year routine kicks in. Surely some of you understand what I'm talking about.

I'm now the 7th grade homeroom and Instructional Technology Coordinator at St. John Lutheran School in Ellisville. Talk about a culture change. Our full-staff meetings at Immanuel used to be about 20 people. St. John meetings reach up to 85!! What joy it will be to share in the ministry of education with 30 school faculty members and another 50 or so church staff!

I will miss the quality time with my own girls though. Not moving at light speed to get them out of bed, no lunch time nap stories, and playing dress up with Rachel's new shoes----Don't worry, they never did fit me :-) I'll have new kids. Sharing the Good News with them will be equally sweet!

I'm planning on having our 7th grade religion classes blog using classblogmeister. Don't necessarily need another class to follow exactly with us, but maybe some students who check in every once and a while to comment and share know, show the real power of comments and writing for an audience that is actually out there.

For those Lutheran educators out there, what do you think of the technology leadership tab on the Lutheran School Portal? What would you like to see on there? I'm in charge of the content and have not updated for a while. What would be the most beneficial for you?

God's Richest Blessings on the opening of your schools year....or if your in the Southern Hemisphere...the end of the first term of your 2007-2008 school year! :-)

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David said...


I'll have my 7th graders comment on your 7th grader's posts this year. That is a good fit for me since we've added a lot to our 8th grade curriculum.


Anonymous said...

I will have firth and sixth grade for Religion next year, but I will mention it to our seventh grade religion teacher. Perhaps he would be interested.
