Here we are down at the Lodge of the Four Seasons at Lake of the Ozarks, MO. I've learned many things today:
1. God keeps humble through the use of technology!
2. The internet is a way to tell the story!
3. Don't forget to laugh!
During our opening banquet, I showed the video I had been working on for several days now. I agreed to put together the presentation for anniversarians and retirees and thought that this would give me a good opportunity to try out our new copy of Ulead 8. Well, 15 hours later and several late nights, it was finally done. No worse for the wear...even learning more about PhotoShop than I ever wanted to...all 13 minutes of the video played flawlessly!! I was so excited I ran to share the joy with my faculty sitting at another table! The video played a second time (it was to run two times) and after gloating to them about seeing how it worked the first time (Things tend not to)I looked to find an error message on the screen. Thankfully everyone was busy eating, since they saw it the first time! It's times like that I think God may have actually had a hand in my humbling!
Our banquet speaker was the extremely funny, Rich Bimmler (there may be an 'h' in there somewhere?) and one thing he said caught my attention. In our Wellness theme this year, he used the word WELLNESS to describe key points about wellness and one of the S's was "story." It struck me again about how much on-line applications can be used to tell the story. For example, check out on of my student's flickr pictures.
Parable of the Breyer Horses (take off of the parable of the sower) Not overtly Gospel, but a good beginning :-)
Laughter is a great de-stressor! Rich brought some much needed joy into my heart tonight with his funny stories and the reminder of how much joy we have in knowing what God has done for us in Christ Jesus! God gives us the gift of wellness. Joy is the true sign of wellness, and may God grant that to us all!
Tomorrow the sectionals start and I can't wait to hear Mike Kratzer from Lutheran North in St. Louis talk about ethics issues with online stuff! God willing, we'll have a podcast of his sectional!!!
That way all of you can "hitch-hike" to our conference as well!