A Little Fun...At Least Before School Starts!

Got this from a colleague and wanted to try it out! If you click on the video it should allow you to create your own! I know it's a bit narcasistic, but it is kind of funny.

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Preparing For School

Every year about this time, there is a lament about how I've squandered my summer. Now when I say "squandered," I don't mean WASTED. Believe me, watching my daughters at swim lessons, or getting to the myriad of home improvement projects (unfortunately, not much improvement this summer,only maintenance.) are not "wasting" my time. But it is a bit sobering if I think about what could have been achieved if I'd spent all those "deck staining" hours putting together a professional development plan or aligning PD with the new NETS for Teachers.

All of these thoughts are of primary concern as I'm starting to put together my MO District Professional Church Worker Conference presentation on the importance of building a professional learning network. Struggling with how to counter act the whole, "I don't have time" excuse. Here was an interesting blog post from The Twain Blog. Be sure to check out he comments below the article. The main idea behind the article is that the average teacher won't take the time to be part of and use many online tools because they just can't spare an more hours working. There are a couple of interesting arguments for and against using a variety of different PLN web applications.
Just some thoughts....It's off to swim lessons!

image: Flicker User--InkSwamp (CC Licensed photo)

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